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        <strong id="lhihk"><noscript id="lhihk"><mark id="lhihk"></mark></noscript></strong>
        1. 旋風除塵器

          Cyclone Dust Collector
          Use and Features:
          The cyclone dust collector is a kind of dust removal device, which is mainly used for pre dust removal and separation and recovery of high concentration dust. For the coarse particles separated from above 5-10um, the purification rate is high. It has the features of simple structure, easy installation and maintenance management, low cost and operation cost, and small occupying area. It is widely used in fertilizer production, mining, metallurgy, refractories, building materials, chemical industry and other industries.
          上一篇:蒸汽鍋爐 下一篇:熔融罐
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